Random: Tomorrow Should be Over

This time tomorrow morning, I will be about 15 minutes into my Cecchetti Exam (Grade 1). Let us see how much random information I can gather up about this week to take my mind off the situation.

Well, ballet class on Tuesday was filled to the brim with Grade 2 combinations (Wow… so far I’m doing an excellent job keeping my mind off Cecchetti…). We made it all the way through the grade and had 15 minutes to spare; we managed to do some non-Cecchetti work! It felt SO good.

Furthermore, the Cherubs were measured for their recital costumes in class! They were so excited when Miss Jennifer called their names one-by-one. I still have not seen the outfits but am waiting patiently (maybe). This Tuesday, we will begin teaching the girls their Christmas Dance! What fun!

In modern on Thursday, as Miss Sara wasn’t feeling too well, we skipped a lot of warm-up and went straight to our dance. We were able to choreograph quite a lot!

Yesterday was my very last “long night.” I can’t believe how speedily everything went! We went over Grade 1, Grade 2 and even Grade 3 combinations in ballet. In pointe, we learned some new combinations and practiced some of the old ones. Miss Sara commented on my arches– I’m really starting to be on top of my shoes! Then, of course, there was the Cecchetti classes. We got all the way through both Grade 1 and Grade 2! Miss Sara also gave us her predictions (about what scores we are to get). These are to be revealed tomorrow (after the exams). I’m not quite sure when I will know the actual scores but will not forget to post them.

So here, lovely dancers, is my second random post of all my random things, simply created to take my mind off…

Cecchetti Exams tomorrow!
