Photo Shoot: Take Two

Yesterday was the most memorable picture day in all my years as a dancer! Emma arrived at my house early in the afternoon to have our own photo shoot, and then it was off to the studio for class pictures (to be seen in a later post). Only the ballet images were taken in class; other pictures will be taken throughout the week (Cherubs’ are today!). It was so hectic!– from group pictures, to dance run-throughs, to costume changes– ah! So much fun!

Here are some of the best group shots that Emma and I had taken yesterday (Thank you, Mom!). We used all of our different costumes for the shoot– enjoy!

Now, here are a few to make you laugh


These are some of Emma’s best individual images!

Here are my own favorite pictures…!

 I do hope that this photo shoot made you lovely dancers smile! Class photos to come…!

Arts Day 2013

What better way to celebrate 100 blog posts than to describe in detail the Arts Day 2013 performance of yesterday? Personally, I am so glad that [by chance] this post has ended up as number 100! Happy “Hundredth Day!”

I arrived at the local school at 1:30 P.M., 40 minutes before the performance was to begin. I ran a few errands for the teachers and listened closely as Ms. Tina gave out directions to the group. We then completed a run-through of the dance (which failed miserably) and watched the other rehearsals. The dances were incredible! I do believe that we have some of the world’s best choreographers.

Ms. Tina introduced herself to the elementary-school children, along with the heart behind our studio. After that, she introduced Breathe (We were the first dance!).

Considering the limited amount of space that we were given, along with the slippery flooring, I believe that Training 2 did relatively well; we certainly know what needs to be “edited!” The kids loved it; I’m so glad! Hopefully, we will have the same opportunity next year…!

Picture Day on Monday…!
P.S. My mom and I went shopping today and bought a few more recital items! All that’s left to do is steam my tutu….

If Minerva Pays

A painting that I am working on

Would it be helpful if I stated that abnormal is actually normal? Yesterday was the most eventful day of the entire week (but is that not normal?)!

Modern began with a quick warm-up. Afterwards, Miss Sara let Allison lead the class through plies and Valerie through tendus. Great combinations, girls! After a really nice stretch, it was onto the recital dance! We cleaned up Moriah’s lift, April’s assisted-front-walkover and the human ramp. We ran the entire piece a few times, and then Ms. Tina brought her little girls in to watch (again). And guess what else?– I didn’t fall off of the ramp!

In ballet (I took a second extra class), we talked about picture week (next week) and our performance (today). We then moved on to center barre and stretching. Afterwards, we worked on grand battements and our cute, little “Village Girl moment” (which we learned on Tuesday). Fun! We ran through Breathe (the dance that we will be performing today) a few times as well.

As my sisters and I found the color/picture/stage/costume/emotion to get us into the “Breathe Zone” (so that my teacher’s “good friend,” Minerva, will pay to see the show and let us keep our “jobs”), a black figure shot across the room and locked the restroom door. About five minutes later, out came Abby! Her face was red and smiling as she told us that her face paint was supposed to be washable; she is playing a demon in her little sister’s dance– wow!

Moriah will be arriving at my house later on so that we can carpool over to the local school; the performance starts at 2:10 P.M.. Details coming [very] soon!


“It wasn’t even my dog!”

Good morning, dear dancers! Happy Friday!

Yesterday was, as has become surprisingly normal, an “abnormal” Thursday. As my mom pulled up to the studio door, the Training 1s and their teacher were beginning their trek to Studio B (to watch Miss Tina’s little girls perform their recital dance). “Miss Sara is on crutches!” my mom cried.

I quickly waved good-bye and jumped out of the car. Running over to the group, I said all of my greetings and had to inquire what was wrong with my teacher. I got a jumble of answers, none of which I understood, but I could now see that Miss Sara was also wearing a boot.

Once we arrived back in Studio C, Miss Sara began her story. It turns out that while she was dog-sitting (something she does often), the dog ran head-first into her knee (POP). Her knee is bruised and her foot swollen; she sprained something important (I am not the one to ask what it is). Whatever is hurt, Miss Sara wishes that it was broken and not sprained (less recovery time) and feels like she should have a much better story to tell. She deserves chocolate. A lot of it.

Modern was great; we did the human ramp PERFECTLY… twice! Miss Tina’s girls came in to watch us at the end of class. The dance was beautiful up until the end when I found myself slipping off of Valerie. I jumped off of the ramp and continued. Miss Sara told me that it was the best thing that I could have done and congratulated me on doing it well. We tried a second time but ran into the same issue. After Miss Tina’s class left, we went on an “investigation.” It turns out that the “ramp” wasn’t quite flat enough– all fixed!

After modern, I attended the Training 2 Thursday class to practice that dance. So far this week, I have spent two hours in my pointe shoes– yay!

Have a wonderful, dancing day, 

Little, Yellow Ballet Dolls

Thus far, it has been quite an eventful week at the studio! Both the combined dance and Breathe have received a solid cleaning, as has Little Ballet Dolls (as of today, of course). Here are the happenings of today’s Cherubs class…:

I arrived fifteen minutes early in order to change and warm myself up (the building was freezing cold!). When Miss Jennifer opened the door, it was a wild rampage of dancers, all crowding around the rainbow mat. We chatted for a while and then moved onto tummy stretches and the Name Game. Afterwards, the girls practiced their forward rolls and lined up on their dottie-spotties. It was time to practice the recital dance!

Before we proceeded to complete a run-through of the piece, Miss Jennifer taught the girls how to “play follow the leader backstage, in the dark, very quietly.” Those little ones were thrilled! However, one cherub was a bit worried; she had forgotten her little, yellow ballet dolls costume! Oh, dear… I had to remind her that Mommy’s closet is the safest place for little, yellow costumes…

After several run-throughs and fix-ups, the head teacher sent me to hand out rhythm sticks to the girls. We used them for a few songs (ignore the fact that poor Hayden was hit in the face… “on accident!”), and then the girls were dismissed.

Certainly an eventful class, finished off with my inability to find the Clorox Wipes…


Summer Classes 2013

Yes, lovely dancers, my summer schedule has come together at last! This year’s requirements are considerably different than last year’s, so I have had quite the time deciding what classes to take. The Training Division was given three options; A: take two ballet classes a week, B: take one ballet class and one intensive or C: take two intensives. Being the ballet fanatic that I am, I have decided to take two ballet classes a week, along with pointe (though, technically, pointe counts toward a ballet class this summer). My precise schedule is as follows:

Monday: Training 3/Intermediate Pointe
Thursday: Training 3

(All of my classes will be taught by Miss Sara, as usual.)

Now, above all else, you must be wondering why on earth I will be taking Intermediate Pointe during the summer. Was I not supposed to be in Training 2 pointe? Well, Miss Sara came to the realization that there is no Training 2 Pointe class over the summer; the only scheduled classes are Pre-Pointe, Beginner and Intermediate. Besides this fact, the class was supposed to be labeled “Beginner/Intermediate Pointe.” Therefore, this is the class that I will be attending.

Aside from my own classes, I hope to be assistant teaching at the “Dance Me a Story” mini camp for young girls!

I cannot wait for summer classes to begin! It is going to be a fantastic “break!”


Evaluations 2013



Good morning dancers!

Thanks to a “winter storm,” (You’d laugh if you saw the pitiful amount of snow outside my bedroom window.) both English and ballet have been cancelled today. I may or may not have to go to work— the weather is fairly questionable. So, in the meantime, why not post a piece of valuable information for you to read?

Each April, Miss Sara gives out “evaluations” (a.k.a. progress reports) for ballet and pointe. It is very similar to receiving a report card from school. It lists the areas in which a dancer excels and points out the areas which she needs to improve upon. It is also an excellent place to mention behavior, attendance, dress code and summer/fall recommendations. Possible “scores” include (from low to high): Needs Improvement, Showing Improvement, Good, Excellent and Proficient. That said, without further ado, my Ballet Progress Report (recommendations for summer/fall will be given later on in the post):

Body Alignment: Good
Flexibility: Excellent
Strength: Proficient
Artistic Expression: Excellent
Musicality: Excellent
Upper Body/Arms: Proficient
Pirouettes: Proficient
Extensions: Good (use turnout)
Leaps: Excellent
Jumps: Good (get heels down)
Other Turns: Proficient

In what area or with what skills does the dancer excel? Control, presentation, upper body, turns

In what area or with what skills does the dancer need improvement? Turnout

How is the dancer’s attitude and work ethic in class? Fabulous

Is there a problem with attendance or tardiness or dress code? No

To be perfectly honest, I am extremely pleased with my ballet evaluation for 2013! I will be focusing much of my attention on turnout over the next few months (especially as we move into summer). I will also be checking my body alignment frequently and perfecting my jumps. 

My pointe evaluation is as follows:

Body Alignment: Good
Flexibility: Excellent
Strength: Excellent
Artistic Expression: Excellent
Musicality: Excellent
Upper Body/Arms: Proficient
Pirouettes: Good
Extensions: Good
Leaps: Excellent
Jumps: Excellent
Other Turns: Excellent

In what area or with what skills does the dancer excel? Control

In what area or with what skills does the dancer need improvement? Getting arches a bit further forward

How is the dancer’s attitude and work ethic in class? Fabulos

Is there a problem with attendance or tardiness or dress code? No

Likewise, I am so pleased with my pointe report! In this class, I will be focusing– mainly– on getting over my arches; just “a bit further!”

Now… the best part! What are Miss Sara’s summer and fall semester recommendations? Well…

Ballet– Summer/Fall: Training 3
Pointe– Summer/Fall: Training 2 Pointe

A new level of Training has been created! I am able to move up a level in each class! YES!

Congratulations to all of my dance sisters– you have done so beautifully this year!

Summer classes to be revealed shortly…