Pop Culture Day

Pop culture is one of many defining factors in any nation’s scene. It’s the movies we watch, the music we hear, the dances we perform, the books we read and the celebrities that we look up to for inspiration in fashion and even food. Currently, in the USA, we’re pretty into Teen Beach Movie and its sequel, Teen Beach Movie 2 (Original? No. Adorably cheesy? For sure!). We love the media that’s branched off of those two films, and that’s why Moriah, Adysen and I decided to teach a group of foreign exchange students the last section of “Cruisin’ for a Bruisin”.

If choreographing an entire modern dance in two hours seems impossible, I can tell you firsthand that it is not. I had a blast putting together a show with two of my favorite people yesterday evening. Performing it for the exchange students felt like the culmination of my last six weeks in choreography/improv class and assisting with the Frozen camp last week. It was awesome. We determined to call the dance, “Release” because we’ve all done things that we aren’t proud of, but there comes a time when we have to let those things go and move on with life. It is our hope that the audience grabbed tightly to the free gift which God has given to all of us and that they run with it.
We did not teach Cruisin’ for a Bruisin’ alone (however, I am proud to say that Team Cool won the dance competition) but learned things ourselves. The Chinese teens and tweens were so fun to work with, and I couldn’t help but be impressed by how quickly they picked things up during class (especially having learned Teen Beach myself at 11pm last night).
HUGE SHOUT-OUT to my other two musketeers. I don’t know what I’d do without you girls. Had so much fun with you. Can’t wait to choreograph the Pan soundtrack together. 😉

Much love,