Recital 2017 (The One where I Graduate)

Even after weeks of careful planning, I still don’t know how to sum up this year… especially Recital. It came as it always does– with great anticipation. And it left as it always does, too– with many tears. For most of an entire day, I actually allowed myself to believe that my life post performance could go on as if nothing had changed, but as I watched my extended family and family friends drive away from their first trip to Colorado in years, I realized that my “normal” is no longer mine. It doesn’t even exist in my world anymore. For 12 years, minus summers, I’ve woken up to school. For several years, I’ve chased that with work. And for nearly 14 years, I’ve danced. And while I will no doubt continue to learn and grow, while being a productive member of society is important to me, while I will still dance–always–these things will never again be what they were before I graduated. Scary, huh?

It’s been a hectic, wonderful, exhausting, glorious month of dancing… and some other great stuff, too, which I’ll talk more about in a different post. I’m so grateful to my family, friends and teachers who unfailingly show me love, grace and support. Without them [and as generic and cheesy as it sounds], I would not be the person I am today. My parents have consistently taught me that change is inevitable, and even though it totally freaks me out, I’m glad to be entering this new chapter with 17 years of real life experience. So, thank you, Mom and Dad, for showing me what it means to keep moving forward and make a life.

Recital itself was, as Moriah put it, “anointed.” Strength and Dignity was the best it had ever been on Friday night. Pulling off such a hugely intricate dance always feels like a divine miracle, and this year was no different. As for Advanced Modern, people are still talking about the sheer lack of bamboo staff-dropping that went down in hushed, reverent tones. Darkness is Losing had the auditorium in tears during Intermission.

And my senior solo happened.

I think I expected to cry. But I didn’t. I couldn’t. It would’ve been too real. Instead, I relished in the intensely unfamiliar feeling of being onstage alone, of telling my story without speaking. I think I was glad when it was over, and I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to listen to “Welcome Home (You)” again, but I’m just so happy to have done it.

So, all in all, it was a fantastic weekend. But we called it “Show Week.” Yes, dress rehearsals. Yes, Recital. But the stuff in between is what turns friends into family and moments into experiences. On Tuesday, the seniors got together to create our senior gift– decorations for backstage and a note for each person in the Beauty in Motion Showcase. On Friday afternoon, we found out that our studio will be moving to a gorgeous new location next year and threw ourselves a party. Then, the seniors lead a worship time for anyone willing to participate. We prayed, and we cried, and hugged and cried some more. And then we danced, and sang, and screamed and cheered.

After the shows, my family turned my house into a flower garden and stuffed me full of cupcakes. *bows*

I honestly have to wonder, though, why anyone would not choose to dance. At least once. Just for that fraction of a second when time stops, and the whole world is alive with music. Just to be a part of something so different and so moving. That love is ingrained in me; I can’t get rid of it. So, even though I’m cutting my hair short on Thursday because no more ballet bun, I have just one thing left to say.

The next time you get a choice, I hope you dance.


How Can It Be?

March? Almost spring [break]? So close to graduation? So close to Recital? Hold on– I’m gonna need to start over.

Where do I start?

In combined Training class last month, we were asked three questions. The first was one I could have written about all day: “What would you tell your younger self?” The second was along the lines of, “What life lesson have you learned through dance?” And the third– “What knowledge would you like to pass on to younger Training students?”

At the end of class, we were given the opportunity to share our responses. Honestly, I didn’t want to start sobbing right then (and I would have), but it’s just me and the words now, so here they are.

  1. God wants all the best for you. It won’t always feel like it. You won’t always want to believe it. But you aren’t always going to be right. And He loves you more than anything. It’s okay. You have nothing to be afraid of. God is eternal. He has made you eternal.
  2. Dance has taught me to keep moving forward, to keep pushing limits that I’ve created for myself. It’s taught me the difference between the things I can change and the things I must accept without fear or shame.
  3. Not every day is easy. Not every day feels like a “dance day.” That’s okay. You are more than today– and you are more than dance. Dance is a wonderful and beautiful gift, but God has given you others.

I appreciated beyond words the heartfelt responses from my dance family. This post is for them. Plies are plies, but we’re ever growing as people, and what a priceless gift it is to be dancing together.

And I guess that brings me back to the title. This song has been played pretty consistently in worship class lately, and it rings beautifully true. The price of freedom is so high, but it has been paid for each and every one of us. Our wrongs–past, present and future–have been righted. How can it be so good?

Graduation is a scary thought. My last Recital at the studio is a simultaneously exciting (oh, oh, oh, we’re using bamboo staffs in Ascension!) and dreadful thought. But my freedom is forever. And I’ll focus on that.

Aquinnah xo

Recital Central 2017

HAPPY NEW YEAR, LOVES! As you well know, 2016 taught me a great deal, particularly this:

We are how we treat each other.

Here’s to today. Here’s to you. Here’s to humans. Here’s to us. And here’s to Recital.

Beauty in Motion Showcase on May 19th

Dress Rehearsals on May 15th and 17th

1. Strength and Dignity

Combined Training– Miss Erin and Miss Beth

Hair: bun

Attire: pink tights, pink ballet shoes

7. Ascension

Advanced Modern– Ms. Sara

Hair: low side bun

17. Darkness is Losing

Advanced Worship– Ms. Mimi

Hair: high ponytail

Attire: black capri leggings

19. Scandal of Grace

Training 3– Miss Erin

Hair: bun

Attire: black stirrup tights, pink ballet shoes

28. Welcome Home

Senior solo

Hair: Probably a low side bun…. I haven’t quite decided.

Attire: pink tights, pink ballet shoes

Recital 1

1. Strength and Dignity

Recital 2

19. Strength and Dignity

Here come the hair changes.

Christmas Dances 2016 (in Denial)

Yeah, okay, so I’m in denial that Christmas performances are finished, and fall semester is over, and at this point, my diet pretty much consists of cookies and hot chocolate. But I think I’m finally getting over the tendonitis, and that’s about the best gift I could’ve asked for.

I will never forget the past few weeks. I don’t want to. By the time we performed Carol of the Bells for the last time, I was so shocked, I couldn’t even cry. My last Christmas dance at the studio… over. As I looked around at my beautiful dance family, I knew that I was home. My whole heart was there, and when I leave one day, part of it simply won’t be able to come with me. It’ll stay right there, in the studio, forever. For now, I’m not really ready to swallow that that day will come at all.

Carol of the Bells

To my teachers and sisters: many hugs. Thank you for another crazy year of learning and laughter. Merry Christmas to all! I’ll never be able to thank God enough for giving me each of you.

xo Aquinnah

The Stuff that Makes Me Happy

Happy belated Thanksgiving, America! At this–the beginning of the most wonderful time of the year–I have ever so many things to be thankful for. I’ve been blessed with a family who loves and supports me, with friends who grow alongside me, with teachers who want to see me improve and with a house that has green gables. I’m able to wake up each morning knowing that I am provided for, cherished and chosen for something that will make the lives of those I touch a little brighter. It is my hope that as the snow starts to fall and this semester ends, those people around me will know how much I support and cherish them.

And now that Thanksgiving Break is coming to a close, I remain grateful, in large part because I can finally play Christmas music without getting mean looks. The lights are up, and we just decorated our first real tree (you know, the kind that makes your house smell like a fir forest) in ten years. Good stuff.

It’s almost December, and that means lots of rehearsals and very little time for shopping. Between Achilles tendonitis for the second year in a row, two viruses and whatever I did to my shins yesterday, it has not been an easy semester. But I’ve learned a lot by watching. I’ve done a lot of praying. I taught myself to accept the FasciaBlaster. It’s frustrating, and painful, and like anyone, I occasionally have to hit the snooze button on my alarm. I made myself new boundaries, even when I wanted to push forward, and I’m glad I did. Knowing how to be kind to myself makes me feel like I’m doing something right.

In the coming weeks, I’ll be performing “Do You See what I See?” (worship), “Sweet Little Jesus Boy” (ballet) and “Carol of the Bells” (modern). On Friday, the Training Division and Advanced Modern will be performing locally, which I’m very excited about.

In other news, I’m finished choreographing my senior solo, “Welcome Home” and have picked a costume. In fact, all of my Recital costumes have been posted. Take a look…!

Welcome Home (with pink ballet flats)
Advanced Worship
Advanced Modern
Combined Training

Aren’t they lovely? I’m thrilled. Our Training 3 costume will be black tights, a black leotard and a burgundy skirt with a belt, if I remember correctly.

Almost time for Rudolph. Have a wonderful week, beautiful dancers.

xo Aquinnah

Recital Central 2016


It feels like spring today. I don’t usually like spring (one word: brown), but I do love sunshine, so it’s been good. Plus, three-day weekend. 🙂

This is one of those posts that I write for my own benefit. Because sometimes, dancers and writers alike just have to get themselves organized. While I have you here, though, I recommend this year’s Bible verses. They’re worth smiling about.


Beauty in Motion Showcase on May 13th
Dress Rehearsal on May 7th

1. Spanish Dance
Combined Training– Ms. Sara
“You turned my lament into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness.” Psalms 30:11
Hair: bun
Attire: pink tights, pink ballet shoes

6. Requiem for a Tower
Advanced Modern– Ms. Sara
“He will destroy death forever. The Lord God will wipe away the tears from every face and remove His people’s disgrace from the whole earth, for the Lord has spoken.” Isaiah 25:8
Attire: black leotard

11. God’s Warriors
Intermediate Pointe 2– Ms. Mia
“When you go to war against your enemies and see horses and chariots and an army greater than yours, do not be afraid of them, because the Lord your God, who brought you up out of Egypt, will be with you.” Deuteronomy 20:1
Hair: bun
Attire: nude pointe shoes

15. I Will Sing of My Redeemer
Leaps and Turns– Miss Bethanny
“Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story…” Psalms 107:2a
Hair: half up
Attire: tan tights, tan jazz shoes

19. Daylight
Training 3– Ms. Sara
“Teach us to number our days carefully so that we may develop wisdom in our hearts.” Psalms 90:12
Hair: bun
Attire: pink tights, pointe shoes


Recital 1 on May 14th
Dress Rehearsal on May 4th

1. Spanish Dance

9. Daddy’s Girl
Ballet/Tap– Miss Bethanny
“The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, ‘Abba, Father.’” Romans 8:15
Attire: pink tights, pink ballet shoes


Recital 2 on May 14th

Dress Rehearsal on May 10th

14. Simple Gifts

Ballet 1A– Miss Bethanny
“I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:12-13
Hair: low bun
Attire: pink tights, pink ballet shoes


Recital 3 on May 14th

Dress Rehearsal on May 9th

10. Spanish Dance

16. Dawn
Pre-Training– Miss Beth
“He is here: the One who forms the mountains, creates the wind, and reveals His thoughts to man, the One who makes the dawn out of darkness and strides on the heights of the earth. Yahweh, the God of Hosts, is His name.” Amos 4:13
Hair: bun
Attire: pink tights, pink ballet shoes


Life is like…

Happy [belated] New Year to all of you lovely dancers! I’ve been meaning, and meaning and seriously meaning to write this, but between school, dance classes, teaching dance classes and driving hours alone, life is like… *cue Lorelai Gilmore*Falling Pizza Box

… this pizza box.

But forget about the measly trials and tribulations (Please excuse me while my brain explodes.) of the 16-year-old girl. We’ve got happier things to talk about!

It’s February, and Recital choreography is moving into full swing. “Dawn” is the Pre-Training piece (and also the 2005 theme song for Pride and Prejudice because you absolutely wanted to know that above all else. Not that I’m an Austen fanatic or something because… eh em. Whatever.). “Darkest Before the Dawn”, lovingly called, “God’s Warriors”, is our Intermediate Pointe 2 dance, and if anyone would like to share with me the secret to pancaking pointe shoes, I’m all ears. We’ll be using bows (We would’ve been okay with lightsabers, too, but it’s no big deal. I’m sort of totally in love with the bows.), but the audience is not to fear; we’re going without the included arrows. Advanced Modern’s “Requiem for a Tower” has us crawling around in the orchestra pit (Can you say, “YAAAASSSS!”?), and “Daylight” makes the Training 3s want to cry artsy tears. Sorry for the bad description– I’ve written a lot today. Both Requiem and Daylight will be finished soon. We haven’t begun choreography in Leaps and Turns, Ballet/Tap or Ballet 1A just yet, but I know that “I Will Sing of My Redeemer”, “Daddy’s Girl” and “Simple Gifts” are bound to be spectacular. “Spanish Dance”, the combined Training piece, is challenging without all of the 1s and 2s, but we’ll get there. We always do. Until then, I’ll be over here rolling out my calves and trying to remember all of this stunningly beautiful choreography like…
Oy with the Poodles


In other news, we’ve changed the Leaps and Turns costume to an equally beautiful dress. I don’t have a picture, but April is coming, and Picture Week is soon to follow. Recital info was sent out this week, so I’ve been compiling Recital Central for the year, but I figured I should elaborate on this great stuff first. Consider my elaboration pretty much over. Except you definitely want to…

Dancing Lorelai

… see The Fall, Faith’s upcoming performance. I’ll be helping backstage, but you don’t want to miss this show.

The crazies are coming, so don’t forget…

Lorelai on Sleep

and enjoy every minute. *heart emojis*

To return very soon,

GIF One (1) Credit: OMGYASKWEEN. Pizza, Nodding. Digital image. Giphy. Giphy, 11 Feb. 2016. Web. 11 Feb. 2016.
GIF Two (2) Credit: KRWELCH3. Coffee, Gilmore Girls. Digital image. Giphy. Giphy, 11 Feb. 2016. Web. 11 Feb. 2016.
GIF Three (3) Credit: OMGYASKWEEN. Dancing, Pizza, Nodding. Digital image. Giphy. Giphy, 11 Feb. 2016. Web. 11 Feb. 2016.
GIF Four (4) Credit: Tumblr. Pretty, Sleep, Gilmore Girls. Digital image. Giphy. Giphy, 11 Feb. 2016. Web. 11 Feb. 2016.