3 Things You Should Know about Divergent

*This post has several SPOILERS, but not enough to ruin your reading. It is dedicated to anyone and everyone who has ever considered reading the Divergent series and to the hope that they will, against all odds, choose to do so.*


Divergent is NOT The Hunger Games


This is the absolute, #1 quote that I hear about the Divergent series. “It’s basically The Hunger Games,” they say. “It’s a spin-off of The Hunger Games. If you’ve read The Hunger Games, you really don’t need to read Divergent. It’s exactly the same.”
All the time.
Everybody is entitled to their own opinion, but after the first book alone, it was clear to me that Veronica Roth’s utopian world is a far cry from Suzanne Collins’s dystopian one. It’s all about the vocabulary…
Dystopian – an extremely miserable society
Utopian – a society which strives for perfect life
Wait… what? Doesn’t that mean that Divergent and The Hunger Games are… opposites?!
Not totally. Everyone has their own idea of what “perfect life” would look like. When those ideas get caught in the judgment filter, they go one of two ways. They are (Here we go!)… they are (Yeah, baby!)… they ARE (SO READY!)… Divergent or The Hunger Games (When did I become so predictable, anyway?).
Both Divergent and The Hunger Games blame human nature for society’s issues. “Let us fix your genetics!” becomes a utopian process. “We’ll wipe anyone who disagrees with us off the map!” becomes a dystopian process. But “fixing” people so that they can be “perfect” is bound to irritate someone who believes there’s nothing wrong with their gentetics (*raises hand*). That causes civil war. And being told that you’ll need to sacrifice one to two children per year as a reminder–to you–of–your own–statist government simply can’t be taken with a grain of salt. That causes civil war.
So, maybe the messages are the same. Maybe perfect life can’t be achieved.
But let’s be honest. Katniss and Tris are so utterly different, one huge similarity is essentially drowned by differences big and small. In the end, it comes down to what each of them is willing to sacrifice. And I haven’t even started on that yet…

Tris is an Original

I have never read a character so unique and not for reasons you might think. In her society, Tris is normal. She has her own irritations, but that first chapter doesn’t scream, “Hey! HEY! I’m totally against my perfect society! I’m going against the grain! I want to be different!” Actually, like any 16-year-old, Tris just wants to fit in with anyone who seems to have their life figured out better than she does her own. And that’s what made her special from the first page.
In today’s world, everybody wants this “perfectly flawed” protagonist. I’ve heard Tris win the title many times, and, unlike with Katniss, I can see it. Tris is a mess. She wants to be selfless, and brave, and smart, and kind AND honest, and she’s not allowed. She wants to fit in with everyone, but she can’t. She wants to love people and trust people, but she can’t.
And–let’s be real–Tris is smarter at the end of Allegiant than Katniss was on page one of The Hunger Games. And we all know what happened to Katniss after page one.

Everybody Hates Allegiant… Almost

Are you screaming at me yet?
I did not hate Allegiant!
I did not like it either.
I don’t think I’ve ever read a book with a more depressing ending note or a cliffhanger that I wanted resolved more. Also, though I eventually understood the necessity, I didn’t need to get all up inside Four’s head. I never expected him to be so whiny, I guess.
But there were good parts. Hopefully, by now, you want to know what they are. If not, convince them or confuse them, right?
I may be opinionated, but I enjoy listening to other people’s opinions! If you have one to share, I’d love to hear it through the comments [below] or the contact form [above].
Photo Credit: Fear doesn’t shut you down. Emilie. 2015. We Heart It. Web. 29 September 2015. View photo.

My Newly Discovered, Jumping Up and Down in a Hot and Sweaty Crowd Life


Title credits to Moriah… 🙂

I never expected to attend a school dance. I started homeschooling full-time in my freshman year of high school, and I never looked back. If I want to, I can graduate this year, and I do want to. I’m ready to move on, and my previous opinions on college have changed drastically. I might even consider going.

Last year, between eating spoonfuls of ketchup (which I can’t recommend) and making prank calls (“Hey, this is Alex…”), I signed a piece of paper and promised that I would attend Homecoming 2015 with Moriah. Adysen agreed, too. I was pretty sure it was a joke.

Needless to say, it wasn’t.

One flat iron and two curling irons later, my hair was ready, along with my makeup and even my nails, which I never bother to paint because PERFORMANCES, of course. I put jewelry on, including my great-grandmother’s pearls, and bought new shoes. And, after hours and hours and hours and HOURS of shopping… my parents found this beautiful dress. I could never express how thankful I am for those two who know me so well.

Ask Adysen, Moriah, Sarah or Olivia– I take on school dances like a ballerina. My whip and nae nae looks like second position preparation and croise, and I had to take off my heels before I could do any kind of jumping…. But it was fun! I got advice like, “Harness your inner monkey.” We had a big studio group, and we jumped, and danced and sang as a group. We laughed as a group. We ran around looking for people and water bottles. We watched glow sticks (and various people) fly across the gym. We also came up with seemingly random things like Cookie Butter and Icee and took this college-worthy picture:


So, thank you, Moriah, for making us go to homecoming. I won’t forget it, and neither will Adysen, since they decided to play Turn Down For What. #onpoint Thank you both for a winner of a shopping trip and an even better dance. You never know how strong you are until you dance in heels… or something like that.

Here’s to hot pink and sparkly butterflies, hot and sweaty crowds and our first and last homecoming as the three musketeers. I love you guys!


How Penguins Run


There used to be a relevant story as far as the title goes, but now I can’t remember the details.

I’ve never been a fan of change (who is, really?), so it’s been a challenging week. It wasn’t always nice, especially when I got my expanders yanked out yesterday, and I cried all over the dentist (They were happy tears to begin with, but then I realized just how much my mouth hurt….). More importantly, I’m adapting. I get up and finish my schoolwork as fast as I can, and one of these days, I’ll be finished with mathematics… forever! And once I reminded myself that 50+ little ballerinas aren’t as intimidating as they seem, I was able to settle into my new intern position. And, of course, it’s always nice to leave life’s various stresses behind and just dance for a few hours. This paragraph is dedicated to Moriah, who so kindly shared her good day with me last Wednesday. 🙂

Our first leaps/turns warm-up of fall semester was done outside in the sunshine. That was a first and, hopefully, not last. Some change is good… especially if you’re getting your vitamin D! I’ve never had 50+ students before, but I’m loving that experience, too. I’m so blessed, lovelies, to be spending my days with these kiddos. I was even able to sub for a 6-9-year-old tap class today, which was difficult, being that I’m not an expert in tap, but really satisfying.

Training and modern are awesome. We’ve welcomed a bunch of new sisters (and brothers too!) and teachers. It’s shaping up to be a wonderful year.

Intermediate Pointe 2 with Ms. Mia started on Monday, and I’ve already learned so much. Thank God for new shoes next month!

After three weeks of rehearsals, Advanced Modern and Training 2, along with a variety of other classes, performed at an annual carnival last weekend. It was an honor to learn and perform Symphony No 8. Looking forward to DDD!

So, it wasn’t the most comfortable week. I guess, a lot of times, uncomfortable is the way to go. That’s how we learn. And today was more comfortable; basic science can explain that. Humans adapt. We’re cool that way.


Pumpkin Pie Playlist


I have this thing about autumn. Generally speaking, it’s a lot of tea, and sweaters and wool socks. It makes me think of apples and pumpkins and lots and lots of pie. It also means school. And even though it’s not technically fall yet, I need a playlist just for trigonometry.

For whatever odd reason, most quiet songs sound melancholy to me. But autumn is also quiet, in my mind, unlike spring (which is refreshing), summer (which is upbeat) or winter (which was made for Christmas sing-alongs). This playlist would make good background noise.

Pumpkin Pie Playlist
  • The Broken Beautiful by Ellie Holcomb
  • A Little Longer by Bethel Music & Jenn Johnson
  • For What It’s Worth by Buffalo Springfield
  • Blind Love by Bon Jovi
  • Breathe You In by Thousand Foot Krutch
  • Fight Song/Amazing Grace by The Piano Guys
  • God Made Girls by RaeLynn
  • The Hanging Tree by James Newton Howard
  • Saturday Night Gave Me Sunday Morning by Bon Jovi
  • Here I Am To Worship by Hillsong
  • Seamless by Sabrina Carpenter
  • La Seine and I Cabaret by Vanessa Paradis
  • What Do I Know of Holy by Addison Road
  • Home by Phillip Phillips
On Burning Bridges: I like it. End random I-had-better-point-out….
Dance starts in less than a week with leaps and turns… AH! I’m so ready for this new year.