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“The Dancer” Statue |
Today has sped by so quickly (as everyday has been lately)! Here are the happenings:
I prepared myself for the nursing home performance around two-thirty this afternoon. Caroline called to inquire upon our ability to drive her to the studio– I didn’t hesitate to say yes! So, in our black leotards, pink tights and ballet buns, we made our journey. Once there, Caroline rushed into her ballet shoes just in time to complete a run-through of her Training 1 dance (Miss Sara allowed us to come early to warm up, but I stretched at home). The Training 2 dance had already be rehearsed, but I was feeling good about it anyway.
Once rehearsal was over, I announced four extra seats in my car. Everyone seemed to have a ride, so Caroline and I packed up once again. On our way out, April arrived, and she joined us in our car.
Once at the home, Miss Tina gave us the run-down. Training 2 would be performing first! We slipped on our white tutus, tied our Christmas-colored ribbons around our waists and waited as Miss Tina introduced herself to the elderly people. She then explained exactly what the “Training Division” is, and what we would be performing. Then, she exited, and we set ourselves up. The first thing we noticed was that the designated area was extremely small— ah! Would we all fit? Barely. My mom, who was watching, said that we looked fantastic, even in the small amount of space that we had. I, too, feel as if we did a nice job, despite a few spacing issues (due to the size of the room). We were able to make many people smile, wish them a merry Christmas and give them cards, tissue packets, etc.
My mom drove April and I back to the studio and proceeded to drop Caroline off at her house. April was soon picked up, so I was left with Moriah and a few other girls. Emma also showed and we gave her huge hugs (She has been gone all week with the flu.)! We chatted as we put on our pointe shoes and Miss Sara came in to proclaim that we would be beginning class early (we were quite early in returning to the studio). We did releves, echappes, chaines turns, our first arabesques and Mirlitons (from the Nutcracker)! We were very surprised on hearing that we would perform such a dance so early in our training, but Miss Sara seems extremely confident in us. Next week, we may show the parents our Mirlitons.
P.S. I know that I wasn’t overly explanatory concerning today’s schedule, so I apologize. Basically, ballet class was canceled due to the nursing home performance, but pointe class proceeded as usual.