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I hope that you are enjoying your summer immensely! |
As usual, it is dreadfully hard for me to believe that I am already signed up for fall classes (especially when summer classes have yet to begin)! In truth, it is no use making you wait any longer for the long-awaited schedule, so here you are, lovely dancers:
Tuesday: Training 3
Wednesday: Advanced Modern/Training 3 with pointe
Thursday: Choreography
Friday: Training 3
My Tuesday and Wednesday Training classes will be taught by Miss Sara and my Friday class by Miss Sara and Bethanny (as it was with my 2012-2013 Fridays). As is the norm, Miss Sara will be teaching modern. Miss Bethanny (as I still tend to call her in “real” life), will be my choreography instructor.
I am extremely excited about all of my classes this coming year, but I am especially interested to see what will take place in Choreography. My teacher has stated that we will be learning how to audition people, how to choose lighting and costumes and other such techniques– wow!
As for assistant teaching 2013-2014, I would love to help Bethanny with her Ballet/Tap class (ages 4-6) on Wednesdays, but we shall see. This year, Ms. Tina is having students fill out application forms in order to teach. Sadly, thanks to fire evacuation, my printer is at a friends’ house, so though I have my job-worthy thoughts all ready to go, I have no paper to write them on quite yet… humph…
No matter what, next year is going to be a blast! I can’t wait!
P.S. Happy Father’s Day to all of those amazing dads out there (especially the best of all– mine)!
P.P.S Once again, there is no Training 2 pointe class for the fall, so I have been moved to Training 3 pointe.
You do have a pretty awesome dad! 🙂