Miss Sara handed out progress reports yesterday…! The following is what my 2013-2014 year told her:
Body Alignment: Excellent
Flexibility: Excellent
Strength: Excellent
Artistic Expression: Excellent
Musicality: Excellent
Upper Body/Arms: Proficient
Pirouettes: Proficient
Extensions: Excellent
Leaps: Proficient
Jumps: Excellent
Other Turns: Proficient
In what area or with what skills does the dancer excel? Body lines, turns
In what area or with what skills does the dancer need improvement? Stretching the backs of the legs, higher developpes
How is the dancer’s attitude and work ethic in class? Amazing
Is there a problem with attendance or tardiness or dress code? No
I’m freaking out. Seriously. I think every pain in my body just evaporated in happiness.
I did away with all “Goods” this year–ah! I’m ECSTATIC! My main focus this summer is going to be improving my flexibility. I also want to pour artistic expression into my every movement, while being musically correct. And as for those developpes… let’s work to combine that strength and flexibility.
And since you’re probably biting your nails in wonder by now, I’ll stop my shpeeling and tell you lovely dancers what you actually want to know…:
Ballet– Summer/Fall: Training 3
Pointe– Summer/Fall: Intermediate Pointe
I’m going to Intermediate Pointe, beautifuls…!
Congratulations to ALL of my dancer-people, who have done SUCH a gorgeous job this year. I love you all. <3