A Kneeded Update

Happy Friday, lovelies. <3

So, my last post was a bit of a cliff hangar, as I was anything but decisive about the condition of my left knee. The good news: I have information for you. The neutral news: You get to decide whether the information is good or bad.

Spoiler alert: I think it’s pretty decent….

On Tuesday, I didn’t get to say much to Miss Sara besides, “My knee is feeling pretty good today,” which was true, and yet didn’t seem like the complete story. While my joints said, “Yay!” my brain said, “Don’t you dare knock yourself out again.”

To that I said, “Okay, brain. I guess you’re right. I should take it easy.”

Well, “taking it easy” was made virtually impossible with Rehearsal One on Wednesday and mass rehearsals in modern and ballet. The ballet/tap kiddos, while a tad chatty, did so well during their dress rehearsal; I’m SO proud of them.

In modern, my knee started to sting a little, but the pain was masked by my new-found fascination with the purple-ish bruise on my right foot. Wouldn’t it be cool if I knew how I did THAT? I guess it doesn’t really matter, though, since it’s not bothering me. Anywho, we finished cleaning Redeemed, and although I’m a little nervous about Elizabeth’s lift, I feel really good about the piece.

In ballet, probably due to the fact that I covered my foot bruise in ballet shoes (just kidding…), my knee started yelling at me. So, now I’ve got my knee saying, “Would you stop moving, you giant jerk?” and my brain is screaming, “She’s right!” and I’m all, “Fine, fine, FINE! I’ll take care of it!”

What a lie.

I ran Primavera one horribly painful time and then talked with Miss Sara. She had me stretch out my hip flexors while grabbing the foam roller from her car. With that wonderful invention, she had me roll out my quads and IT Band. Truth be told, I think my entire left leg went numb, so I strapped my pointe shoes back on and rehearsed Primavera until the end of class, stopping only to inspect a minor blister on my left foot. I was in a boatload of pain, needless to say, so Miss Sara recommended moist heat– a wet towel with a heating pad on top. Once home, my mom added Biofreeze to the remedy, which will continue everyday for the next two weeks. Every other day, I’ll be on Miss Sara’s foam roller or massaging the daylights out of my quads. You know, fun stuff like that.

My knee is definitely feeling better, as it was yesterday. I ran Love Take Me Over for the Ballet 2As, and although my joints didn’t feel quite as nice as I had hoped they would, I finally told my brain, “Be happy” and my knee, “Hush up.” I think that was a pretty good decision on my part.

Production Week starts Monday…
