Summer Classes 2014– The Beginning, Monday

Oh, lovelies. Nobody pinch me.

Right off the bat, I just want to thank Miss Jenna for being amazing. I am seriously bouncing off the walls in happiness (OR folding massive loads of laundry after our vacation with an unprecedented vigor… your pick!).

Leaps and Turns began with a bit of a shpeel; the class will be divided into an intermediate group and an advanced group, starting next week. The advanced group will arrive an hour later than the intermediate group. Ms. Tina will be sending out email confirmations for class placement by the end of the week. Ta-da!

Then, we talked about the importance of not being too hard on ourselves because–let’s be honest–leaps and turns are not exactly plies and tendus. They are, however, my two favorite things in the book, and not even this conversation was enough to deter me from believing that I’ll be able to master whatever I set my mind to. Because that’s how God programmed me. Sometimes, I get annoyingly obsessive, but I can’t quit. I just… can’t.

So, we began class with a full-blown warm-up, including cardio and stretching exercises. The best way to describe this part of class would be Miss Jenna’s line, “Hello quads! Welcome to summer class!”

It was great.

The remainder of class was spent in across-the-floor, doing grand battements, jazz walks, chasses, soutenus and a new favorite: six-step pirouettes. Those turns were confusing, crazy and otherwise challenging, but I loved them.

When class ended, I couldn’t believe it. Even after 160 crunches, I felt like I could go for another two or three hours.

And now, I must go mope, for ballet does not begin until Wednesday. You may end up with another post tomorrow, however, and if so, you can bet your ballroom shoes that it’ll be random. 🙂

<3 always,