Romans 8:38-39 says: “For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” That kind of love can only be described as “unchanging.”
Firebird and I are one being now. Her spunk, sass, love, hope and confidence has become my person. I’m proud of her and of the person she has made me. More importantly, I’m glad to know that Jesus is on the inside of both of us.
Show Day was incredible. It snowed inches upon inches in the eight hours that we stayed at the theater, and people pushed to come anyway. We had mini freak out moments and unexpected complications, and we made it through. As we all learned, the Sun is also behind the frost.
It was so good to meet our audience afterwards, not only to sign autographs and take pictures, but to hear everyone’s opinion on the production. The results were astounding! People laughed and cried and truly empathized with Firebird and her friends. My other dance instructors and friends made my day truly special, and though I could never thank all of you enough, I have to try.
Ms. Tina – for making this production possible. For believing in me. For being there for me. I couldn’t ask for a better role model.
Miss Mia and Miss Mimi – for teaching me that dancing isn’t just a combination of steps. For all of your hard work, dedication, support and faith in all of us. For outstanding choreography and even better “emoting skills.” I have learned so much from both of you.
Valerie – for being the best “stage mom” that anyone could ever hope to have. For being so sweet and understanding. It’s always a joy working alongside you, and I hope we can duet again!
Peter – for caring so much. For not breaking me. 🙂 For trusting me, so that I could put my trust in you. We will never be able to repay you for your kindness toward this entire crew.
Caroline – for being such a sweet friend. Proud as a peacock or radiant as a sunbeam, you’re amazing!
Allison – for being so kind. For handing me my disgusting, sweaty, old shoes so that I could change and tossing away the others. You have been such a blessing!
Ella, Delanie, Josie and Callie – for laughing super duper loudly.
EVERYBODY – for being the most amazing cast in the entire universe. You guys are like family to me, and I wouldn’t have traded the last six months for all the time in the world. For every second of joy that you’ve brought to me. I can’t thank you enough.
Mr. and Mrs. G. – for ALL of the work you put into this production. I’m honored to have gotten to know your family and can’t even begin to thank you for the tree, especially. I won’t forget you!
Mrs. C. – for working so hard on all of our costumes. For readjusting my headpiece more times than I can count. You have blessed me immensely!
The audience – for joining in Firebird’s journey! Hugs to my TP people, Mrs. S. and Miss Kristi. <3
My family – for loving me. For understanding. For challenging me. For caring for me. For feeding me and getting Biofreeze all over your hands for me. For your prayers and hugs and tiny bouquets of flowers. For asking me to sign your faces. You all are the best. I love you.
Jesus – for Your unchanging love.
I am truly honored to be your Firebird.
Lololol I was like um wait…. when did I ever mention lavender haha!!! (I figured it out tho) ;). You were so amazing, and so is this post. Radiates joy and beauty and light.
Haha, different Emma; Emma C.! 😉 Thank you so much for coming to the show. I'm so glad you enjoyed it! <3
As always, you make us so proud. Love you.
Thanks, Mom! Luf! <3