Epic Modern

When I say the word “boat,” what is it that you picture in your mind’s eye? Do you see a little dinghy or sailboat? Or maybe a fishing boat? A cruise ship, perhaps? Personally, I see a black-and-white photograph of the Titanic, and there’s a chance that you do too, but nobody pictures any one thing in exactly the same way. When I say “sky,” you might picture a sunrise, a sunset or even snow. I see the color blue, and while I’m sure that someone else sees it as well, her shade is not my shade, and her clouds are not placed precisely where mine are, and her sunbeams aren’t stretching at my angle exactly. Our imaginations play a massive role in the way we see the world around us. Epic.

Modern intensive was mind-boggling. I learned so many new techniques for warm ups and choreography. We had the privilege of being instructed by guests Judy Bejarano and Laura Hymers, as well as Miss Kim, Miss Rochelle and Miss Sara. Monday through Thursday, we worked on our repertoire, a short dance to “Guardians at the Gate” by Audiomachine, which we’ll be performing at a showcase in August. The piece was choreographed by four of our five instructors, and each has a totally different style, which resulted in the greatest mashup ever to hit our modern dance classes. Although each choreographer agreed that Audiomachine’s song is “epic,” each had a different take on what said epic-ness looks like.

Miss Kim taught me to be a strong dancer. Miss Rochelle taught me to be a fluid dancer. Ms. Judy taught me to be a modern dancer in love with the art. Ms. Laura, although she choreographed a separate combination, taught me to be a calm dancer. Miss Sara taught me to be a well-rounded dancer. Together, they taught creative, stellar, EPIC modern. And I hope that shined through our eyes.

In other news, we have begun this summer’s variation practice: the third variation of the pas de trois from Le Corsaire. Besides intensive and weekly classes, I attended the annual Desperation Conference with Adysen, and I can honestly say that it was one of the best weeks of my life. It was crazy, absolutely exhausting and painful (the number of burns and bruises that I have right now…), but I feel so blessed to have been able to participate in it all. For pictures, videos and quotes from the conference, check out my Instagram and Google+!
