Christmas Dances 2015

I just love Christmas. I love snow, and hot chocolate (massive toss-up between peppermint and caramel right now), and movies (I think I’ve seen Elf three times already….), and pajamas, and bells and music.

I performed my final Christmas piece of the season yesterday, and I’m almost ready for break… because combined Training class, of course! Last week’s Friday lesson ended up being the nursing home outreach and a hot chocolate party, so I’m super excited to see what this final class of 2015 brings.

I’m having a terrible time cutting the video of Christmas Eve in Sarajevo, but if I ever figure it out, I’ll post a part of that right HERE. Before we performed the T3 piece, Miss Sara taught us the Spanish variation from Nutcracker. It was a good day.

Wednesday was rather awesome, too. We drank hot chocolate and created group pieces in jazz, and then I taught both ballet/tap and 1A. I wasn’t sure what to expect from my first tap class as a teacher, but it was such a joy to work with the kiddos! The 1A kids learned half of the Sugar Plum variation, which was a total dream come true for me. By the smiles I was getting, I think the little ballerinas were pretty happy. 🙂 Christmastime is just the best.
Enjoy these hours leading up to the big day and a very happy New Year to you and yours,

Nine Days until Christmas

The final week of Christmas performances has struck again, and I’ll be teaching two classes today. I’m so ready to be done with Personal Finance for the year. On a more random note, since we don’t perform One Small Child until tomorrow night, Moriah, Emma and I decided to have tea yesterday. Presenting the best three minutes of your day thus far…:

I think it’s safe to say that my writing is better than my camera face. *cheesy smile*

Recital Costumes 2016

It’s been a weekend of SATs, Christmas decorations, glitter and a second Thanksgiving spent at home, all preceded by a week of costumes and Christmas dances by the ballet/tap and 1A kiddos. I am happier than I’ve been in weeks. The holiday season usually sees to that.


Pre-Training '16
Int. Pointe 2 '16
Intermediate Pointe 2
Leaps and Turns '16
Leaps and Turns (with tan tights and tan jazz shoes)
Ballet-Tap '16 (2)
1A '16
Ballet 1A
Adv Modern '16 (2)
Advanced Modern (skirt in black with black leotard)
Combined '16
Training combined (with fans)
Gorgeous, right? This year’s Training 3 piece will be performed in our navy leotards and black wrap skirts. I am so super excited about all of these dances! For now, we’ll be performing Mary, Did You Know tomorrow and Christmas Eve in Sarajevo at a nursing home on Friday. It’s going to be a good week.
But first!– super secret Christmas projects to complete before Monday strikes again.
Happy Sunday,
Girl who Had to Ask for Extra Time to “fill in the corresponding circles” on the SAT because Her Name is So Long