The Notcracker

Laugh. It’ll make you feel better. <3

It has been a lovely day, beautiful dancers! (And I’m feeling quite random, so I apologize in advance….)

In Miss Bethanny’s Student Led Performance Ministries class, we (now including Abby!) continued to plan our Christmas performance (temporarily entitled, The Notcracker). As of right now, we have the basic scenes planned out as well as our playlist for the occasion. …More to come…!

Ballet 2A was fantastic– I absolutely adore the students! Each girls’ turn-out muscles have improved immensely since last week, as well as their spotting skills. Ms. Tina introduced them to “opposition” and began choreographing a dance to Britt Nicole’s, “All This Time.”

Fantasy is only fantasy if you think of it that way. <3 (Something that I came up with today, after finishing Catherine Gilbert Murdock’s, Princess Ben.)
