The Human Ramp

I survived!

Yes, lovely dancers, I am still alive and so are my sisters! No blood, no guts… we’re okay!

Yesterday, we spent most of our class-time learning the ups and downs of the”human ramp.” One of the hardest parts was figuring out who to step on (which sounds so mean!). Although I repeated my mistake several times, I believe that I have finally figured out how NOT step on Abby’s poor neck. It was also a challenge to avoid Emma’s spine, but I eventually found footing.

Now would be a good time to say: I sincerely apologize for hurting any-one of my dance-sisters yesterday!

Well, I finally got to the top of the ramp, where Allison and Cassi were ready to help me stand up (I make my way on all-fours). Miss Sara then lifted me off the top and brought me safely to the ground. Of course, that will be impossible at the recital, so how am I going to get down? My teacher is still contemplating that part, but it seems like an arabesque is in order…! As Moriah would say, we’re doing the “Chinese Swan Lake” (Watch it here: Chinese Swan Lake )!

Excited for next week (I think)…!

6 Replies to “The Human Ramp”

  1. Yes yes! The Chinese swan lake!!!! Please post a link for those who want to see it!!! Please do please do!!! (I still get ur instagram ;-))

  2. Hey!! Moriah was telling me all about the "Human Ramp." Sounds so cool!! I might be doing a modern class for a make-up lesson. Hope I can see it!! 🙂

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