Monday News

Yet another Monday has passed– wow! Here are the happenings of yesterday:

I arrived at the studio a whole, whopping 15 minutes early! I was so proud. The first thing I noticed as I walked into the lobby of Studio C was a group of poster boards taped to the window. Upon closer inspection, I found pictures of all my recital costumes. I was so pleased! I have pictured my Beginning Pointe/Training 1 and 2 costume in a previous post (“Vacation”), but I have yet to tell you of the rest! So…

For the Training 2 dance, my costume is simply a navy blue leotard with a black wrap skirt, pink tights and ballet shoes (of course!). I saw my modern costume for the first time yesterday– it is beautiful (though I do not have a picture for you yet)! It will be a black leotard with black jazz pants and a blue/brown tie-dye dress on top (it has SPARKLES!).

Into the studio with me, where we began barre and stretching. When complete, we moved onto our Christmas Dance. Our first run-through was pitiful, so we went straight to the Stop Game. The dance looks much better now.

As for last year’s dance videos, I have not yet located them. I’m still on the lookout! I did, however, find my hip-hop dance from the beginning of last year (the end of my semester-long class) that I may post sometime…
