Summer at the end of May was a whirlwind– the beginning of change. I completed my junior year of high school and friends graduated. And I, in June, and despite my valiant efforts to ignore the fact, began my last summer at the studio.
A joyful dancer and writer, sharing her thoughts on a beautiful world
Summer at the end of May was a whirlwind– the beginning of change. I completed my junior year of high school and friends graduated. And I, in June, and despite my valiant efforts to ignore the fact, began my last summer at the studio.
The beauty and eternal wonder of this earth–such a colorful, growing, changing earth–inspire my own creativity as the Creator makes for me a new adventure every single day. My name was written on His heart before I knew it myself, and I wanted to know it. My dreams, desires, fears and idiosyncrasies are always teaching me more and more about the living, breathing Aquinnah, in the midst of space and time. Like the earth, I’m always growing, always changing and adapting. It’s not always easy, not always fun– but it is a part of being human, and I am. I am only human. And I’m proud of that.
It is an overwhelming joy to wake up to a family who loves and cares for me, who is near even when far and who inspires me to continue growing and persevering, even when it’s hard. It is an enormous blessing to have friends who are honest with me, who stand up for me and who put up with my oddities on a daily basis in person, over the phone and through mail. It is an honor to learn from teachers who invest so much into making me stronger, healthier and generally happier. It is mind-boggling to know that you, my readers, from all over the world, have continued to read and support me for the last five years of my journey. I could never, never thank each beautiful person in my life enough for being. Just being. Being themselves, being in my heart and being human with me.
We survived Cecchetti exams, assistant teaching, Nutcracker, master classes and intensives, five pairs of pointe shoes, photo shoots, uncountable rehearsals and performances, sickness and injury, Firebird, an internship, tens of books and four birthdays. We thrived. And we’re not finished.
I live to scream without making a sound, moving out of time and into music. I love it. I wanted to come, and I wanted to dance. I want to inspire people as they inspire me.
So, thank you for five years of scribblings, and excitement, and worry and triumph. Thank you for listening without hearing my voice and following along with me as I continue to grow. This blog is a piece of my world– memories. And I hope you’ve enjoyed reading about them almost as much as I’ve loved living and writing about them.
Happy summer, lovelies! Twenty-three hours until dance. Ceaseless adventure.
This post is dedicated to the 125,000 beautiful babies who said, “I want to go,” and, today, were robbed of their chance and to Miss Bethanny, who told me to put chocolate milk in my cereal.
Much love,
It feels like spring today. I don’t usually like spring (one word: brown), but I do love sunshine, so it’s been good. Plus, three-day weekend. 🙂
This is one of those posts that I write for my own benefit. Because sometimes, dancers and writers alike just have to get themselves organized. While I have you here, though, I recommend this year’s Bible verses. They’re worth smiling about.
Beauty in Motion Showcase on May 13th
Dress Rehearsal on May 7th
1. Spanish Dance
Combined Training– Ms. Sara
“You turned my lament into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness.” Psalms 30:11
Hair: bun
Attire: pink tights, pink ballet shoes
6. Requiem for a Tower
Advanced Modern– Ms. Sara
“He will destroy death forever. The Lord God will wipe away the tears from every face and remove His people’s disgrace from the whole earth, for the Lord has spoken.” Isaiah 25:8
Attire: black leotard
11. God’s Warriors
Intermediate Pointe 2– Ms. Mia
“When you go to war against your enemies and see horses and chariots and an army greater than yours, do not be afraid of them, because the Lord your God, who brought you up out of Egypt, will be with you.” Deuteronomy 20:1
Hair: bun
Attire: nude pointe shoes
15. I Will Sing of My Redeemer
Leaps and Turns– Miss Bethanny
“Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story…” Psalms 107:2a
Hair: half up
Attire: tan tights, tan jazz shoes
19. Daylight
Training 3– Ms. Sara
“Teach us to number our days carefully so that we may develop wisdom in our hearts.” Psalms 90:12
Hair: bun
Attire: pink tights, pointe shoes
Recital 1 on May 14th
Dress Rehearsal on May 4th
1. Spanish Dance
9. Daddy’s Girl
Ballet/Tap– Miss Bethanny
“The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, ‘Abba, Father.’” Romans 8:15
Attire: pink tights, pink ballet shoes
Recital 2 on May 14th
Dress Rehearsal on May 10th
14. Simple Gifts
Ballet 1A– Miss Bethanny
“I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:12-13
Hair: low bun
Attire: pink tights, pink ballet shoes
Recital 3 on May 14th
Dress Rehearsal on May 9th
10. Spanish Dance
16. Dawn
Pre-Training– Miss Beth
“He is here: the One who forms the mountains, creates the wind, and reveals His thoughts to man, the One who makes the dawn out of darkness and strides on the heights of the earth. Yahweh, the God of Hosts, is His name.” Amos 4:13
Hair: bun
Attire: pink tights, pink ballet shoes
Happy [belated] New Year to all of you lovely dancers! I’ve been meaning, and meaning and seriously meaning to write this, but between school, dance classes, teaching dance classes and driving hours alone, life is like… *cue Lorelai Gilmore*
… this pizza box.
But forget about the measly trials and tribulations (Please excuse me while my brain explodes.) of the 16-year-old girl. We’ve got happier things to talk about!
It’s February, and Recital choreography is moving into full swing. “Dawn” is the Pre-Training piece (and also the 2005 theme song for Pride and Prejudice because you absolutely wanted to know that above all else. Not that I’m an Austen fanatic or something because… eh em. Whatever.). “Darkest Before the Dawn”, lovingly called, “God’s Warriors”, is our Intermediate Pointe 2 dance, and if anyone would like to share with me the secret to pancaking pointe shoes, I’m all ears. We’ll be using bows (We would’ve been okay with lightsabers, too, but it’s no big deal. I’m sort of totally in love with the bows.), but the audience is not to fear; we’re going without the included arrows. Advanced Modern’s “Requiem for a Tower” has us crawling around in the orchestra pit (Can you say, “YAAAASSSS!”?), and “Daylight” makes the Training 3s want to cry artsy tears. Sorry for the bad description– I’ve written a lot today. Both Requiem and Daylight will be finished soon. We haven’t begun choreography in Leaps and Turns, Ballet/Tap or Ballet 1A just yet, but I know that “I Will Sing of My Redeemer”, “Daddy’s Girl” and “Simple Gifts” are bound to be spectacular. “Spanish Dance”, the combined Training piece, is challenging without all of the 1s and 2s, but we’ll get there. We always do. Until then, I’ll be over here rolling out my calves and trying to remember all of this stunningly beautiful choreography like…
In other news, we’ve changed the Leaps and Turns costume to an equally beautiful dress. I don’t have a picture, but April is coming, and Picture Week is soon to follow. Recital info was sent out this week, so I’ve been compiling Recital Central for the year, but I figured I should elaborate on this great stuff first. Consider my elaboration pretty much over. Except you definitely want to…
… see The Fall, Faith’s upcoming performance. I’ll be helping backstage, but you don’t want to miss this show.
The crazies are coming, so don’t forget…
and enjoy every minute. *heart emojis*
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Pre-Training |
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Intermediate Pointe 2 |
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Leaps and Turns (with tan tights and tan jazz shoes) |
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Ballet/Tap |
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Ballet 1A |
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Advanced Modern (skirt in black with black leotard) |
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Training combined (with fans) |
Hey, Autumn! AUTUMN! No, move OVER, Winter… WINTER. I’m not TALKING to you! Autumn! SLOW DOWN!
Tomorrow marks my sixth week with Achilles tendinitis, and I’ve had it up to here with it! My first and foremost recommendation to the dancers of the world: Don’t wait all summer to get your back adjusted. Chances are, if it feels like your tailbone is out of alignment, it is. And the longer you walk around lopsided, the harder it will be to walk correctly again. I would know. I wish I didn’t.
If, however, it’s too late for you, too, I’ve decided to put together an Achilles Tendinitis Survival Kit to make your life (and mine) a little easier. As Miss Tori put it: Achilles tendinitis feels about as good as having two broken legs, and there are a whole lot of ways to make it worse. But let’s be positive! Here’s how I’m making it better: