Normally, I wouldn’t use #summerlovin because the phrase, in itself, weirds me out. I don’t normally admit to this truth: I CAN BE A VERY UPTIGHT BALLERINA!— either, but obviously, this isn’t happening today.
It’s summer, lovelies. Even I can let go.
Because–honestly–who ACTUALLY minds waking up at nine every morning? Reading for the next hour or two? Eating toaster waffles and a fruit smoothie with REAL SUGAR for breakfast? Sitting outside to read some more? Starting five or six different short stories and tossing around which one you’re going to finish first? Not me!
My last two weeks have been busier than my first year of high school ever proved to be. No, I’m not working math problems, dissecting World War II and cramming a bunch of French words into my brain (Okay, so that last one’s not entirely true….); I’m doing things that I WANT to do. I’m busy LIVING instead of learning how I SHOULD.
Summer is a time to make your own rules, or so I’ve come to realize. Over the past two weeks, I’ve watched myself evolve from a girl who planned out every waking minute of her day in permanent marker, to a girl who jots down a few things she MIGHT like to accomplish on said day, and sees what happens after that. And, once again, I’m not talking about work.
Of course I’m exercising and attempting not to lose everything that I gained in dance this past year (Wow, that sounds crazy…). Because that would really stink. But these last couple of weeks have given me so much besides time for my body to recover from… well… May. These days, my mind is clearer, too. And yeah, it’s partially because it’s not overflowing with algebraic equations and historical facts, but mostly, it’s because I’m learning to relax.
“Then He sent you along like a summer day
With a blue-sky smile on your funny face
And a bird flew by singing everything’s gonna be okay!
So we laughed all day with the man in the moon
And we thanked the Good Lord for the afternoon
‘Cause He showed me His love by sending you
And it’s okay, now
Everything’s okay.” – Everything’s OK, Chris Rice
I’m not a pro yet, by any means, and I doubt that I ever will be. But when I came across that field yesterday (pictured above) and thought about taking off my shoes and running around in the misty fog, I knew that I was getting somewhere.
Even moving isn’t stressing me out as much as it usually does. We’ll be heading a ways down the street on the 27th, and no, I haven’t boxed a single thing. Actually, I got up this morning and asked for Kentucky Fried Chicken with mashed potatoes for dinner. I’m embracing the cardboard and plastic wrapping scattered all over my house, and I’m actually really, really happy.
But no, parents, I will NOT be prevailed upon to leave our home state. Smiles.
And dance starts Monday, and it’s kind of hard to be sad about that… so I don’t even try. 🙂
Much love,